United States Sales Tax

Important: Information in this communication does not constitute tax, legal, or other professional advice. If you have questions, please contact your tax, legal, or other professional advisor.

Why is WP Engine collecting sales tax?

The 2018 U.S. Supreme Court decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair changed a long-standing physical presence rule. As a result, states can now require businesses to collect sales tax on out-of-state sales if certain sales thresholds are met. So while WP Engine may not have been required to collect sales tax in your state in the past, this requirement has changed. 

Does sales tax apply to me?

WP Engine calculates and collects sales tax based on your billing address. If you are located in a state or jurisdiction where WP Engine’s products or services are taxable, your invoice will include sales tax. 

The billing address for an account can be located in the WP Engine User Portal, on the Billing Invoice page.

Which WP Engine products and services may be subject to sales tax? 

  • Subscription fees
  • Transaction fees
  • Service fees
  • Support fees

Which US states and cities require WP Engine to collect sales tax?

  • Arizona (AZ) 1
  • Connecticut (CT)
  • Chicago, IL
  • Hawaii (HI)
  • Iowa (IA)
  • Massachusetts (MA) 1
  • New York (NY)
  • Ohio (OH)
  • Pennsylvania (PA) 1
  • South Carolina (SC) 1
  • South Dakota (SD)
  • Texas (TX)
  • Utah (UT) 1
  • Washington (WA) 1
  • West Virginia (WV)

1 Only certain add-ons considered Software-as-a-Service are subject to tax in this state.

How does WP Engine calculate sales tax?

Any applicable sales tax for your organization is calculated based on the billing address we have on file. Sales tax rates vary by state / jurisdiction. 

How do I provide an Exemption Certificate to WP Engine?

Please submit a copy of your completed exemption certificate to [email protected]. Upon receipt of a valid exemption certificate, WP Engine will not apply sales tax to future invoices.

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